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Checking CCIP Message Status

In this tutorial, you will learn how to verify the status of a Chainlink CCIP transaction offchain using JavaScript. Starting with a CCIP message ID, you'll execute the script to query the current status of a cross-chain message.

Before you begin

  1. Initiate a CCIP transaction and note the CCIP message ID. You can obtain the CCIP message ID by running any of the previous CCIP tutorials.
  2. Complete the prerequisites steps of the Transfer Tokens between EOAs tutorial.


This tutorial shows you on how to check the status of a Chainlink CCIP transaction using the get-status.js script. By supplying the script with the source, destination chains, and your CCIP message ID, you can verify the current status of your cross-chain message.

Execute the script in your command line:

node src/get-status.js sourceChain destinationChain messageID

The script requires the following parameters:

  • sourceChain is the identifier for the source blockchain. For example, avalancheFuji.
  • destinationChain is the identifier for the destination blockchain. For example, ethereumSepolia.
  • messageID is the unique identifier for the CCIP transaction message that you need to check.

Example Usage:

If you initiated a transaction from the Avalanche Fuji testnet to the Ethereum Sepolia testnet and received a message ID, you can check the status of this message with the following command:

$ node src/get-status.js avalancheFuji ethereumSepolia 0x25d18c6adfc1f99514b40f9931a14ca08228cdbabfc5226c1e6a43ce7441595d

Status of message 0x25d18c6adfc1f99514b40f9931a14ca08228cdbabfc5226c1e6a43ce7441595d on offRamp 0x000b26f604eAadC3D874a4404bde6D64a97d95ca is SUCCESS

Code Explanation

The JavaScript get-status.js is designed to check the status of a user-provided CCIP message. The contract code includes several code comments to clarify each step, but this section explains the key elements.


The script imports the required modules and data:

  • Ethers.js: JavaScript library for interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain and its ecosystem.
  • Router and OffRamp Contract ABIs: These Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs) enable the script to interact with specific smart contracts on the blockchain.
  • Configuration Functions: Includes getProviderRpcUrl for retrieving the RPC URL of a blockchain, getRouterConfig for accessing the router smart contract's configuration, and getMessageStatus for translating numeric status codes into readable strings.

Understanding the getMessageStatus function

Before diving into the script execution, it's crucial to understand how the getMessageStatus function works. This function is designed to translate the numeric status codes returned by Solidity enums into human-readable statuses so they are clear to developers and users. The function uses a mapping defined in messageState.json, which correlates to the MessageExecutionState enum used by the Chainlink CCIP's OffRamp contract.

Handling Arguments

The handleArguments function ensures the script operates with the correct parameters. It validates the presence of three command-line arguments – the source chain identifier, the destination chain identifier, and the message ID.

Main Function: getStatus

The script's core is encapsulated in the getStatus asynchronous function. This function completes initialization, configuration retrieval, and contract instantiation.


Firstly, it establishes connections to the source and destination blockchain networks using the JsonRpcProvider.

Configuration Retrieval

The script then retrieves the configuration for router contracts on both the source and destination chains. This includes the router addresses and chain selectors.

Contract Instantiation

The script instantiates the source and destination router contracts using ethers and the router contract addresses.

Status Query

To query the status of the provided CCIP message ID, the script completes the following steps:

  1. Check if the source chain's router supports the destination chain
  2. Fetch OffRamp contracts associated with the destination router
  3. Filter these contracts to find those that match the source chain
  4. Query each matching OffRamp contract for an event related to the message ID

If an event is found, the script reads the status from the arguments. It translates the numeric status into a human-readable status and logs this information.

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